+370 (41) 52-39-25


Papilės g. 3, LT-76196 Šiauliai

Laimėtas 2021 m. programos „Erasmus+“ bendrojo ugdymo srities 1 pagrindinio veiksmo (KA1) mobilumo projektas Nr. 2021-1-LT01-KA122-SCH-000014193 “Innovation in Education, from digital to sports and sensory new methods” („Inovacijos ugdyme – nuo naujų skaitmeninių iki sporto bei sensorinių metodų“).

Projekto įgyvendinimo trukmė 2021-12-01 –2023-06-01. Šiuo laikotarpiu bus įgyvendinti 6 mobilumai  (vyks 6 asm.) trijuose mokymuose. Dveji mokymai vyks Ispanijoje (INERCIA DIGITAL SL) ir vieni Italijoje (JUMP – Gioventù in riSalto). 


Šiauliai Petras Avižonis Education Center is an institution providing pre-school education. We work according to the prepared pre-school education program “Small steps towards the big road” (1,5-5 years) and “General pre-school education program” (6-7 years). In order to achieve a more efficient implementation of the program, we became members of the STEAM network and on 2021-st we became a member of the Healthy School network.

Our institution is developing two lines of education: the main one is pre-school education for 1,5–6 year old students. We have about 130 of them every year, of which about 30 percent are children with special educational needs.

Another is the provision of typhlo pedagogue assistance to the visually impaired and blind students of Šiauliai city. We currently have 6 students educated in special and general education schools and their age varies from 7 to 21 years.

We are open for cooperation in KA1 and KA2 projects. Our main ideas:

We have no accreditation and experience in Erasmus+ projects, but we are highly interested.

Our OID E10257598.


Atnaujinta: 2022-12-12

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